mobifriends: Digital Media Seminar 2009’s event partner

Digital Media Seminar 2009

On the 16th and 17th of September will held the Digital Media Seminar 2009 in Barcelona. It is a seminar to help any professional involved in on-line and mobile Marketing & Communications.

Assistants will be able to learn through expert, end-user and practitioner presentations on how best to leverage these forms of Digital Media to both enhance marketing and communications practices.

There will be presentations by Saatchi & Saatchi, Google, CocaCola, CoTweet, Adidas, admob,, BMW, Facebook, Procter&Gamble, and Telefonica.

mobifriends is a free service through Internet and mobile devices to meet new people, therefore we work directly on marketing and communication on the Internet and mobile, and mobifriends is one of the event partners of the Digital Media Seminar 2009.

The Digital Media Seminar 2009 is organized by Icon Event International.

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Mobifriends es un sitio de encuentros para conocer gente gratis, a través de teléfonos móviles e Internet.

Los usuarios pueden conocer amigos gratis, encontrar gente con quienes compartir aficiones, intereses o actividades comunes, ligar, buscar pareja, encontrar solteros y solteras, enviar mensajes, mobis (divertidos mensajes animados) y chatear gratis en el video messenger.

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